How do you remove black colored contact lenses?

Removing black colored contact lenses follows the same general steps as removing regular contact lenses. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Wash Your Hands:
    • Before touching your contact lenses, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Dry your hands with a clean, lint-free towel.
  2. Prepare a Clean Surface:
    • Use a well-lit and clean area to work. You may want to place a towel on the counter to prevent the lens from accidentally falling onto a hard surface.
  3. Check the Lens Orientation:
    • Ensure that the lens is not inside out. Hold it on your fingertip and check if the edges flare outward. If they do, it’s inside out.
  4. Look Up and Use Your Fingers:
    • Look up and use your non-dominant hand to hold your upper eyelid firmly. Use the middle finger of your dominant hand to pull down your lower eyelid.
  5. Use Your Index Finger and Thumb:
    • With your index finger and thumb, gently squeeze the lens. This creates a slight suction that helps in releasing the lens from your eye.
  6. Remove the Lens:
    • While squeezing the lens, gently remove it from your eye. Be patient and avoid rushing the process.
  7. Place the Lens in Your Palm:
    • Once the lens is removed, place it in the palm of your hand. black colored contact lenses This provides a secure surface to inspect and clean the lens.
  8. Cleaning and Storage:
    • Clean the lens using the recommended contact lens solution. If you plan to reinsert the lens, store it in a clean contact lens case filled with fresh solution.
  9. Repeat for the Other Eye:
    • Repeat the process for the other eye, following the same steps.
  10. Close the Contact Lens Case:
    • Securely close the contact lens case to prevent contamination.


  • If you’re having difficulty removing the lens, ensure your hands are dry, and try blinking several times to moisten the lens.
  • Use a rewetting solution if the lens feels dry or uncomfortable.

If you experience persistent difficulty or discomfort in removing your contact lenses, it’s essential to contact your eye care professional for guidance and assistance.